Lieder zum Thema Englische Lieder
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- All around the world
- Bat in the sky
- Billy's Barbeque
- Birds on the wing
- Box of bones
- Butterfly flying high
- Butterfly tickle
- Chliine, fiine Funklistern
- Day after day-o
- Dindy, Dondy, Dandelion
- Dream Of The Sea
- Flight of a kite
- Football Inglisch
- Frog and dog
- Frog spawn
- Funny birds
- Good morning, good morning
- I Can Hear It Patter
- Ice Cream Now!
- It's snowed all night
- Last week I heard a BANG!
- Let's Go To The Seaside
- Morning's come
- Mouse in the house
- My favourite is you
- My sun is shining
- Noisy children
- Panda bears upstairs
- Red said to blue
- Roll Away Thunder
- Simple Song
- Singalong song
- Singing A Song
- Snow on the hills
- Summer ABC
- Summer Majesty
- Summer samba
- Sunray Far Away
- The ice cream man
- The name game
- Wild Summer Flowers
- Zwee Frösch / Two frogs